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Partners & References


Jan und Helmut Gollner
Klagenfurterstraße 56
9220 Velden

Tel.: 0699 14 33 2020


Gabriele Iazzetta

Jewelry design



GZFA is a company for dental health, function and esthetics is a dental and implant quality network for dentists and dental technicians, and also a source for patient information for the entire dental profession.

Dr. med. Winfried Koller
General Practitioner and Medical District Practitioner

Steinamangerstraße 23
8243 Pinggau

Tel.: 0043-3339-22257
Fax: 0043-3339-22257-5

E-Mail:, Homepage:

Ulla Meyerhof
Germany licensed Naturopath is living in Hawaii since 2009

She is the RUCH-station for American clients to send in their specs.
She transmits them for testing to Germany.

Ulla Meyerhof is Naturopath since 1976. She had her own practice in Germany, Italy and California. She is author of several books on holistic health in German. Since 1991 she is holding lectures on „european foot reflexology“ . She has revoluntionized the technique of foot reflexology. With her technique it is possible to empty benign cysts without surgery - just by working on the feet. ...and one can distinguish whether an inflammation is bacteria or virus related, or it is possible to treat incontinency successfully...european-foot-reflexology is a more sophisticated and advanced form of an old and proven method. With reaction pulse and catalyst points she has developped a technique that makes foot reflexology safer and much more effective.

Her mail address is:
91-1058 Namahoe St # 154
HI 96707

USAmail address:

You are invited to browse her website to learn more about european-foot-reflexology.
In her website she also offers a detailed description of the RUCH Method.

DROS - Concept

Patient information - DMD Craniomandibular Dysfunction


Patient information — Navigated Implantology — Tooth Implants

Patient information — Metal-free Tooth Replacement


Instructions for taking secretion liquids
Instructions for taking secretion liquids with Albert Ruch
Learn more about Ruch-energetics... secretion test!
Achieve an exact and reliable overview about the conditions of your body even faster with the new secretion test.... medicine of the future
Our methods of diagnostics may be applied successfully to your pet too - whether dogs, cats, horses or other species...'s sports medicine
Rise to new sportive heights and keep this level... Holmes der Krankheiten
Albert Ruch – Sherlock Holmes der KrankheitenWieder gehen können
mit Hilfe von Ruch Energetics
Austria: B.R.T. Ruch GmbH | Klagenfurter Straße 56 | 9220 Velden am Wörthersee | Tel. +43 (0) 664 - 73997978 |
Germany: Albert H. Ruch | Breitenstraße 20 | 36251 Bad Hersfeld | Tel. +49 (0) 6621 - 9666886 |